Thursday, August 2, 2007

no rest for the heavily sedated chimp

i am demonized by modernity, squirrel proclaimed in a harsh voice above the roar of the rig's 16 cylinder engine. they were speeding towards Topeka, through the heartland of the Pennsylvania dutch, vigorously blowing away intrepid Amish entrepreneurs on equine models. where did squirrel hitch this ride? somewhere north of jackson, florida. and the truck driver, josh, was a skinny nervous chap wearing high heels and listening to jackson browne tapes while cruising the expressways of the eastern plate. they shared a doobie, and squirrel attempted to finish the long winded introspective speech he'd begun 10 minutes earlier, while josh nodded his head and slammed his fist against the wheel to the jackson browne beat and his high heeled spike to the gas pedal "why must u (meaning katie couric, ALLAH, L magazine, dinosaur jr.) be so harsh in your declamations? it's a goddamn hanging verdict, josh! can u anticipate it- 12 angry men- a goddamn death sentence for my species, dude

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