Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fashion will not make u happy but it will make u pretty, the photographer is telling squirrel. But this is his first shoot and he is twitchy.

Squirrel is dolled up in a chemise. He wears a beaver skin hat and leather gloves on all four hooves. Fascist chic is very out for humans, but paramount in circles of rodent high society. This summer everyone wants steel- toed boots and staunch collars.

Harsh angles, seething light. The flashbulbs pop one after another in the endless procession of vanity. This is Paris after all.

Squirrel was discovered at the village baths by a couple of sex tourists who happened to be highly regarded editors. That was just a few weeks ago, and the change in his lifestyle, his daily habitations, could not have been more pronounced.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am one of those highly regarded editors.